7 New Year Fashion Resolution for a Better Wardrobe

Entering a new year is usually a great time for personal reflection and resolution to try something new, do something better or improve upon something.

It’s time when we see the mistakes we have made the previous years, the things we should have done and yet have not done them. It is a time we reflect on the direction we want our life to live more meaningfully.

As you reflect on your life and are making resolution for every other aspect of your life, we would like you to also make a few resolutions for your ward robe – why? Well, your wardrobe is an important aspect of your life. Clothes surprisingly have a huge impact on us – psychologically. 

The way you dress speak volumes of the kind of person you are to the people around and this in turn affect the way they relate and treat you. There’s a way to dress to command respect and there’s a way to dress to look casual just as there are ways to dress to keep people away from you. 

This post, however, will not address the various dressing mode. All we are saying is your fashion taste is just as important as every other aspect of your life and deserves equal attention.

best fashion for 2020

So here, we’ve written down some New Year fashion resolution you can make to help transform your look and wardrobe as you journey into 2020. This is not starting over – it’s making what you’ve already gotten or would get work better for you.

New Year Fashion Resolution for a Better Wardrobe

Choose quality over quantity

As you step into the New Year, your first resolution concerning your wardrobe should be quality over quantity.

Quality over quantity has a lot of advantages. First, it will bring about a huge mental change for you. For instance, you’ll be far more careful with a single high quality cashmere sweater than with a load of other low quality sweaters from other brands.

Secondly, going for quality over quantity will save you a lot of money in the long run. A high quality fabric from a reputable brand is bound to outlive its low quality counterparts from unknown brands.

fashion tips for 2020

Also by focusing on quality over quantity, you’ll be able to de-clutter your wardrobe and fill it with items you like and can wear comfortably. So as this year comes on, let your attention be focused on buying more high quality dresses over low quality ones. This would mean have less but in the long run, you’ll have more as they don’t go out of style easily.

Focus on personal style instead of trends

With Instagram putting models on the palm of our hands every single minute of the day, it’s easy to confuse personal style with trends.

As the New Year is fast approaching make an effort to draw a clear line between what’s trending and your personal style. This year, you should focus more on personal style rather than the trend. Keep those shoes you love even when the Grams says they are old and out of fashions. You love them and they look great on you – that’s what matters!

Don’t keep things that don’t fit

Our wardrobe is almost an extension of who we are, every item holds a special memory, a part of our sweat and love.

Losing any of those items often come with sentiments. But sometimes difficult decisions need to be made to make room for better things. The bottom line is it can be difficult to part with those lovely shoes, shirts or pants that don’t fit but keeping them won’t make them fit any time soon.

As such its best you part with them to make room for the new items you might buy and if you don’t intend purchasing new items then clearing them out of the way will make your wardrobe look neater and better.

Don’t fall for the good bargain trap

It’s easy to be won over by a good price markdown. While it’s always a good idea to take advantage of a good price discount whenever you get them, not all of them are really necessary.

If you get a good discount on your wardrobe item this new year, you first reaction should be a good reflection on why you need the item rather than reaching in for your purse. If you're convinced you are really making a good purchase, one that will make a great addition to your wardrobe then make payments but if it has no real value save the discount then avoid it.

Make an effort to try something

Denim is an essential in our wardrobe. We know we’ll always look hot in a pair of denim and so we stock our wardrobe full with them.

But there are countless options out there that you’ll look better in. as you shop this new year, make a conscious effort to look out for other materials aside denim. 

Also as you reach out for your favorite brand, grab another brand you’ve tried before. The mirrors are there to help you see if they look good on you. Sticking to your brands will only prevent you from truly tasting the goodness of fashion.

Go for that piece you like again

There’s the thing that prevents us from buying the clothes we previously own. For most people it’s almost forbidden for them to own something remotely close to an item in their wardrobe.

Having something close to what you have is not always a bad idea. We are not saying you should purchase 5 different style of the same shirt. However if you like a dress so much it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to go for a second style of it.

This will take of all the effort that goes into looking good.

Style more, don’t buy more

We are never satisfied with what we have when it comes to the wardrobe. We want to own the latest item in the store or just something someone else just walked by in.

Chances are your wardrobe is almost bursting and flooding with excesses. What you need is not some new items. You just have to become more creative with your wardrobe and you'll see a side of it you’ve never seen before.

Layer as much as you can, accessorize more and cuff your trousers as much as possible. Look for ways you can make those items in your wardrobe more fashionable. Taking this step will not only ensure you have more to wear this new year but gives you extra cash to spend on some other important areas of your life.

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