Fashion Tips for Men | Every Men Should Know

Having an excellent taste when it comes to fashion is very important as a men. Being able to dress appropriately to any occasion is one skill you need to learn correctly because the way you dress is the same way people will relate with and address you.

fashion tips for men | style

Everyday life experience has shown that people really judge a book by its cover and not by its content. People will always form an opinion about you before they even get to know the real you from the way you present yourself.

As such, making every effort to look your best at every occasion as a man will not be such a bad idea. After all, dressing affects the way people perceive your personality. It doesn’t matter how pleasant your personality is or how great your talent is – most people will never give you the respect you deserve if you don’t dress well enough to earn it.

When it comes to attraction, a man’s style affects how women react to his approach. They will respect you right from the on-set if you're well-dressed and comfortable in your skin. On the other hand, some women might become hostile and very rude if they sense you have no fashion taste as a man.

Having an excellent fashion taste is very important as a man. It is one skill you must man master as a man, especially if you want to improve your social and business life as well as improve your chances of getting laid if that's what you want.

In this simple guide, I’m going to provide you with some of the best men’s fashion tips to step up your style game. 

Fashion tips for men

Realize that dressing well is a skill and not a gene

Nobody is born in a three-piece suit. Just as cooking or making a throw can be learned, style can also be learned.

Style does not come naturally to anyone in the form of genetic makeups. It is all learned through numerous trials and errors over a long time.

Just as others learned to dress better, you too can, and you can be way better than you're right now if you decide to take necessary actions to improve upon your style.

So the first tip in this fashion guide is for you to realize that nobody was born with a better dress sense than you are. They all learned it over the years. Stop holding grudges against nature and choose to start making improvements right now.

Start noticing the styles you like

There's no better way to learn to dress better as a man than imitating what you see. We learn all the time, and you can learn a lot about what works when it comes to fashion by looking at how others dress.

It's often not recommended that you look up to models or celebrities for ways to dress because they tend to be too flashy and wear things you most likely will not be able to afford or want to wear in real-life situations.

It's best that you always look at others, analyze the things they are wearing and try to come up with reasons why such items look great on them. 
This way, you'll develop your fashion eyes and learn to discern what will work for you and what will not work.

Go for frame fitting clothes

Almost 90% of your poor fashion problem will be solved if you choose to go for only clothes that fit your frame.

When clothes don't fit, the extra fabrics tend to make you look sloppy and a little fatter and shorter than you are.

Sure – baggy trousers and loose shirts may look a lot more comfortable compared to form-fitting ones. In reality, however, they are not, and in fact, they will affect your frame negatively. 

We are not saying that you should go for tight clothes that won't let you breathe or stretch comfortably – you should avoid those by all means. Instead, go for clothes that fit your frame and would allow you to move comfortably.

This sort of clothes will not only look good on you but will also highlight your edges and give you a more masculine presence.

Avoid graphic clothes and shirts with weird prints

If you are looking to dress to command respect or look more matured, you'll want to stay away from those t-shirts with prints, logos, and weird prints.

Graphic shirts have a way of making you look like a college kid. In truth, they are mostly worn by college kids, and as such, we associate the style with them.

But now is not the time to look younger – it's time to look older and more mature. As such, if you must go for t-shirts then ensure you go for ones in solid colors – they are a lot more matured than ones with graphic designs.

Quality is better than quantity

Paying less for a cloth might sound like an excellent idea, but most times its best you invest more into a single piece of clothing instead of buying multiple lower quality ones.

When it comes to dressing better as a man, you should always choose quality over quantity. There's something in a $500 cashmere sweater that makes it a lot more expensive than a $100 cashmere.

The same is correct for denim and other clothes and accessories. As such, ensure you go for the best quality your budget can afford. It doesn't matter if you end up with fewer items in your wardrobe.

Ignore fashion trends

Have you ever gone through your wardrobe and realize you have nothing good to wear? It come off to us all at one time or another.
The truth is we have more than we can wear already in our wardrobe, but they are most times already out of fashion.

Going for trends will help you rock the best looks for a moment. In the long run, it'll cost you more. As such, avoid investing in trending items as much as possible. Instead, focus on purchasing those outfits that you can rock any time of the year.

Also Read : - How to Improve on Your Appearance and Become More Attractive as a Men

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