Things Men Notice First about Women

While love at first sight may sound like a fairy tale, first impression matters a lot. When we meet new people, we generally have no idea of who they are, their beliefs or outlook about life.

things men notice  in women

As such, we spend the very first few minutes looking at visual clues to form images of who we think they are. We look at their posture, confidence level, and a host of other things to create a picture of who we 'think' they are.

First impression plays a very critical role in attraction.  It determines whether we get to meet the same person again or not. People decide whether they like you or not based on the impression you make on them the very first time you met them.

In this post, we'll be considering what men first notice in ladies and the various impressions that make on them and how that impression can determine if you'll get to see them again or not.

Things men first notice in women

Your dress

The way you dress speaks volume about your personality, and it is one of the very first things men notice about you.

Yes – there are a dozen other things men notice when they first meet a lady, but her sense of dressing is one of the very first things a man will take note of. That's why men have made it a habit of complimenting women the very first time of the meeting of how much they appreciate her effort in looking beautiful.

When it comes to dressing, your ability to blend colors is crucial. Men love colors just as much as you do, and when you combine them well, they will appreciate the effort. Also, you should avoid dresses that hide your curves. Instead, focus on those dresses that accentuate them, and you'll be surprised at the number of men that will notice every little item of fashion on your body.


Songs have been written about her beautiful a lady's hair can be. There's no single steamy romance novel in the market today where the description of the protagonist's beautiful hair is omitted. A beautiful, full cascading hair is one of those things that can barely overlook.

For most men, the hair is the very first point of attraction and don't forget to make use of a shampoo with a pleasant scent. When a man is attracted to a woman, he tends to breathe in the smell of her hair whenever she passes closely to him (when pulling a chair for you to sit on). This may sound creepy, but men do it all the time. As such, it'll take a point or two out of your attractive scale if you end up with a beautiful yet choky smelling hair.

Put in more effort to keep your hair longer. If shorter lengths fit you best then keep it short. But in all, ensure you make use of a pleasant smelling shampoo to wash your hair all the time.


Maybe it's the romantics or possibly the movies, but men notices a woman's lips long before they take note of her eyes.

Men admire women's lips a lot, and a chapped one can be a huge turnoff for them. As a lady, you should ensure your lips are always looking fresh and supple all the time. For most men, the red lipstick is the most attractive colors on the lips and for so many others, nude work for them the most.

The point is, men, notices your lips a lot more than you can imagine. Yes – they rarely comment about it because that may look creepy and so they go for the neutral zone – the eyes. But they take note of your lips faster than you think. So keep the lips fresh and as enchanting as possible with good lipsticks. 

The hips

Call it your waist, backside or behind – men are fascinated about a woman's pelvis, and it is probably one part men will look at when you walk past them.

Studies have shown that men tend to link a woman's hips with fertility subconsciously. They believe (not all men though) that a woman with a lovely bosom tends to be more up the fertility scale and will be able to care for an infant.

While in today’s world, the magazines and tabloid glorify slim women, there are plenty of men who will still choose a curvy woman over a slim one. Curvy is different from fat. 

The eyes

Keep your eyes as attractive as possible. Don't go overboard with the makeups though. Avoid smearing different shades of colors. Use simple colors or just eyeliner to add a little shade to your eyes, and you are all set.

Men take notice of your eyes a lot, especially when they are closer to you. But that will also mean that they will have a closer look at those colors you've applied and seen all the 'imperfections.'

When applying your makeup, ensure you blend all the shades in properly and keep your shadows just a little darker than the rest of the makeup. This will make your eyes glow and as such, becomes the focal point of attraction.

Your smile

One of the most enchanting things you can do as a woman is to smile. Smiling is not only good for your health but also adds more vibes to your personality.

Men are often attracted to ladies that smile a lot because of the natural going personality the gives her. Smiling not only opens you up for a lot of potential men to approach you but also reduce your chances of developing wrinkles.

Laughing at a man's joke is also very attractive. Most men try to impress a lady when they meet for the first time with a joke. Smiling or laughing at these jokes shows that you also have a sense of humor.

The most attractive type of smile is the slow-motion type – the kind that begins slowly with the lips and keeps getting bigger until it gets to the eyes.

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